ISM Graded as Excellent in Inspection
Inspections are rigorous and thorough. Eleven inspectors from all over the world spent a week conducting lesson observations, interviewing parents, pupils, staff and governors. Over two hundred interviews and lesson observations were conducted. Inspectors also reviewed the school’s policies to ensure that they comply with UK standards of good practice.
The following aspects were reported upon:
- Pupils’ achievements and their learning, attitudes and skills
- Curricular and extra-curricular provision
- Quality of teaching
- Spiritual, moral, social and cultural development of pupils
- Arrangements for welfare, health and safety
- Governance of the school
- Leadership and management of the school
- Links with parents, carers and guardians
For any school to achieve the highest ‘excellent’ judgements in all eight areas of an inspection is a great achievement. To attain this in all areas in two successive ISI inspections is a feat that very few schools can boast.
To see the report in full, please click here.
Some of the main highlights from the report:
“From the EYFS onwards, pupils are highly successful in their learning and become confident learners”.
“Pupils achieve significant success in GCSE, IGCSE and more recently, in A Level examinations”.
“The excellent curricular and extra-curricular provision provides a wide range of opportunities for pupils of all needs and abilities”.
“Pupils are strongly supported by the excellent quality of teaching”.
“Pupils benefit from an enriching range of trips and visits”.
“The school fully meets its aims to uphold the values of integrity, honesty and respect for others, within a vibrant, happy and secure environment”.
“Pupils are typically confident, mature and articulate and have a clear moral sense of right and wrong”.
“There is a vibrant cultural mix within the school”.
“Together with the administrative and advisory staff of the BSF, the governors provide strong support for the work of the school, enabling the school to meet its aims successfully”.
“The senior leadership and management provides a clear and coherent vision, guided by the BSF Charter and detailed in a longer-term strategic plan, thereby enabling the school to meet the aims at the centre of this Charter”.
“The quality of links with parents, carers and guardians is excellent with very many parents actively supporting school activities and events”.